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Friday, Apr 22 2016

Florida GOP Field Ignoring Serious Threat Posed By Climate Change

Apr 22, 2016

Florida GOP Field Ignoring Serious Threat Posed By Climate Change

On Earth Day, American Bridge is highlighting the Florida GOP field’s awful records on environmental issues.

“Floridians are already seeing the effects of climate change, and rising sea levels pose a serious threat to the state’s residents and wildlife. However, the Republican senate candidates are set against taking action to abate pollution and environmental damage,” said American Bridge President Jessica Mackler. “The GOP field needs to go beyond recognizing climate change as a reality — they should support important programs that will help rein in emissions and protect the environment.”




Jolly Admitted Climate Change Was A Problem But Refused To Do Anything About It

Jolly Said That He Was “Sick And Tired” Of The GOP Position On Climate Change And Said That Congress Needs To “Stop Arguing About The Science.” According to Tampa Bay Times, “It was something few Republicans say and the crowd in Tampa ate it up, some standing to applaud. ‘I’m going to tell you something you rarely hear a member of Congress say: I think the climate’s changing. I think man’s had an impact, and we need to stop arguing about the science,’ U.S. Rep. David Jolly said on February 27 at the University of South Florida. ‘If there’s any observation, it is that I have continued to become more frustrated with those in my own party who insist on fighting over the science instead of fighting over solutions,’ he said. ‘I’m sick and tired of going nowhere in addressing large problems and I’d like to see our party accept the science and say we believe in conservative solutions.” [Tampa Bay Times, 4/13/16]

Did Want To Be Clear That He Did Still Opposed Curbing Emissions

Jolly Said That He Still Opposed Mandates To Curb Emissions. According to Tampa Bay Times, “Jolly made clear that he opposes mandates to curb emissions — and suggested as much before the group in Tampa. ‘Let’s continue to implement incentive based regulations when it comes to clean energy and environmental protections that industry can meet,’ he said in the interview. ‘We can create new jobs, new industries around it. Compared to swift mandates and rules that simply can’t be met and in some cases, ultimately force people out of business.” [Tampa Bay Times, 4/13/16]


DeSantis Signed No Climate Tax Pledge

According to a press release from Americans for Prosperity, “The Florida chapter of the free – market grassroots group Americans for Prosperity (AFP FL ) today applauded U. S. Representative Ron DeSantis (6th District) for signing the group’s No Climate T ax pledge. DeSantis joins more than 400 bipartisan lawmakers and candidates on the federal, state and local levels pledging to “oppose legislation relating to climate change that includes a net increase in government revenue.”  [Pres Release – Americans For Prosperity, 4/9/13]

DeSantis Called Efforts To Debate Climate Change Legislation “Crass”

DeSantis: ‘Crass’ For Lawmakers To Take Climate Change Action To Senate Floor. According to Think Progress, “Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) said Tuesday that Democratic lawmakers were “crass” to take demands for climate change action to the Senate floor in March for an all-night discussion on the issue. During a town hall meeting with constituents, DeSantis accused the 30 Senators of only wanting to appease their donors and afterward he suggested that there is reason to doubt climate science.” [Think Progress, 3/20/14]

DeSantis Avoided Questions On His Belief In Climate Change And Claimed That Climate Change Predictions Had Not COme True

 DeSantis Was Asked About What He Thinks Of Climate Change He Said “It Is Not A Question Of My Belief” And That  “A Lot Of These [Climate Change] Predictions Haven’t Been Proven To Be True.  According to an interview posted on by Think Progress, “INTERVIEWER: It might be interesting to tell us what you think of climate change? Very controversial complex topic how much do you believe? RON DESANTIS: It is not a question of my belief, you know when Al Gore speaks, as a member of Congress I say okay Al I’ll assume everything you say is true, even though a lot of these predictions haven’t been proven to be true predictions that have already been made and we can evaluate, but never the less.” [, Accessed 1/25/16]

Carlos Lopez-Cantera

In 2008, Voted To Create A Cap-And-Trade Program…

2008: Lopez-Cantera Voted For Bill That Authorized Florida Department Of Environmental Protection To Create A Cap-And-Trade Program. In April 2008, Lopez-Cantera voted for a bill that provided that it is intent of Legislature for court, when practicable, to conduct hearing & issue order on petition for taking within specified time; clarified that condominium declarations may not prohibit renewable energy devices; authorized EOG to include in state comprehensive plan goals, objectives, & policies related to energy & global climate change; requires DMS to analyze specified fuel usage by DOT. The bill passed both houses of the Florida legislature, in the House by a vote of 117 to 0. The bill went on to be signed by the governor. [Florida Legislative Archive, H 71354/29/08]

…Then Voted To Repeal The Program In 2012

Lopez-Cantera Voted For Bill That Repealed A Cap And Trade Program In Florida. In March 2012, Lopez-Cantera voted for a bill that repealed provisions for cap & trade regulatory program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electric utilities. The bill passed both houses of the Florida legislature, in the House by a vote of 82 to 34. The bill went on to be signed by the governor. [Florida Legislative Archive, HB 40013/01/12]

Carlos Beruff

Carlos Beruff: “We Must Make Sure That Our Environment Is Protected And Treasured. But We Can Do It Without The Job Killing Regulations The Obama Administration Has Proposed.” According to the website of Carlos Beruff, “Florida is blessed to have some of the most beautiful natural treasures in the country. From our beaches and waterways to our springs and orange groves, we must make sure that our environment is protected and treasured. But we can do it without the job killing regulations the Obama Administration has proposed.” [, Accessed 3/15/16]

Published: Apr 22, 2016

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