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Thursday, Jun 7 2018

Fake Ranchin’ Rosendale Caught in a Lie…Again

Jun 07, 2018

Rosendale will say anything to distract from his weak primary results


Matt Rosendale just can’t seem to stop lying. Fresh off a primary race in which he was branded as a phony rancher, Rosendale got caught telling another falsehood — this time about the upcoming debate between himself and Sen. Jon Tester.

Montana’s KECI reported:

“Rosendale wants third party candidates at that debate, and claims Tester is keeping them from participating. We called the Montana Broadcasters Association which is hosting the debate. They say that’s not true.

Watch KECI expose Rosendale’s lie:

Watch the full video here.

Published: Jun 7, 2018 | Last Modified: Feb 1, 2024

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