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Wednesday, Sep 17 2014

EXCLUSIVE Audio: AFP Summit Speakers "Appeal" To Women

Sep 17, 2014

Americans For Prosperity held its annual “Defending the American Dream Summit” in Dallas last month, where top tier Republican presidential hopefuls like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal and Ben Carson continued to court their sugar daddies, the billionaire Koch brothers — and American Bridge was there to capture some exclusive audio.

The summit featured speeches from GOP big wigs as well as breakout sessions on a variety of topics, including how Republicans can appeal to women. And, well, on that issue, speakers at the conference had some…interesting takes.

First, Carly Fiorina, who has launched her own PAC to recruit women to the GOP, offered her brand of empowerment to women in attendance by mocking efforts to close the gender pay gap, eventually blaming the discrepancy on unions, or something. Check it out.

Then, at a panel entitled “Women CEOs and the Path to Success,” AFP board member Frayda Levin made this inspired argument: “Our greatest weapon…let me just show you our greatest weapon against feminism. Jennifer, step out and show them your shoes [high heels] … I was at a Nordstrom’s once, and there’s this mother who looks like an age old hippie and she’s there with her daughter, who is buying shoes like that, and I thought to myself, feminism never had a chance.” Watch for yourself.

So that’s apparently how Americans For Prosperity, Carly Fiorina, and the rebranded GOP  plan to appeal to women: mocking efforts to remedy pay discrimination and using high heels as a weapon against feminism. Truly motivational stuff.


Published: Sep 17, 2014

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