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Monday, Jul 23 2018

In Emails, Josh Hawley Said "Part of My Decision To Move Back To Missouri Was Political"

Jul 23, 2018

Josh Hawley was lying when he promised Missourians he wouldn’t be yet another ambitious politician who only cares about his own political career — just read his own words. All the way back to 2011, Hawley was thinking about running for U.S. Senate, and he even admitted he moved back to Missouri for ‘political‘ reasons,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp. “Josh Hawley is everything Missourians hate about politics.”


Huffington Post: Josh Hawley Says He Never Planned On A Senate Run. Colleagues Thought Otherwise.
E-mails reviewed by HuffPost show the GOP’s top Senate recruit wrote about seeking office as far back as 2011.By Kevin Robillard, July 23, 2018
  • “When Missouri Republican Attorney General Josh Hawley announced his bid for the Senate, he made one thing clear: This wasn’t the plan. It was the pleas of donors, activists and politicians from around the state rather than his own ambition that convinced him.”
  • “‘Next year, I’m going to run for the United States Senate,’ he said in his launch video in October 2017. ‘This wasn’t something we were planning to do.'”
  • “He’s repeated the claim in many interviews since then. ‘No. No. No. Not on the agenda,’ he told The New York Times.”
  • “E-mails obtained by a public information act request and reviewed by HuffPost, however, show Hawley discussing a potential bid for office and at least joking about running for Senate as early as 2011.”
  • “The e-mails…make it clear his lofty ambitions were known to his colleagues and show him admitting his return to his home state was partly driven by politics.”
  • “In an April 2013 e-mail exchange, Hawley wrote…that ‘part of my decision to move back to Missouri was political…I may try to get involved in public service here in the future. Time will tell.'” 

Read the full story here.

Published: Jul 23, 2018

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