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Tuesday, Nov 3 2015

El Universal: Marco Rubio: An Anti-Hispanic Hispanic?

Nov 03, 2015

Marco Rubio still isn’t helping the GOP win over any Hispanic voters. Take a look at the latest from Spanish-language publication El Universal (translated by American Bridge):

Nevertheless, despite his bilingualism, Rubio will have to explain a number of things to the Hispanic community. First, he should address his extreme positions in regards to immigration reform. Rubio could talk all the Spanish he wants, but he continues to be a radical with immigration. He will also have to clear up whether he’s thinking about defending the Hispanic agenda more broadly or if he plans on concentrating his interests on the Cuban community in Florida, because that is precisely what he has done in the past few months. The perfect example of this is his shameful opposition to the confirmation of Roberta Jacobson, the best and highest American diplomat when it comes to Latin America, to the embassy in Mexico. Together with other senators, Rubio blames Jacobson for the recent normalization of relations with Cuba, something apparently unforgivable in the conservative aristocracy of Miami. As punishment, Rubio has opted to detain the arrival of Jacobson to Mexico, risking the crucial bilateral relationship. In 2016, Rubio will have to explain this and other visceral assaults, undignified and torpid in any politician, much more in a Latino senator. He will have to explain, then, if he is an Anti-Hispanic Hispanic… in whatever language he prefers.

Read the full Spanish-language oped here.

Published: Nov 3, 2015

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