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Dr.  Mehmet Oz

Friday, Jul 15 2022

Dr. Oz Hopes To Be Inducted Into the New Jersey Hall of Fame

Jul 15, 2022

According to a new report from HuffPost, in 2019 “New Jersey’s glitterati gathered to toast the Garden State and honor 19 of its ‘most distinguished citizens’ as they were inducted into the New Jersey Hall of Fame.” Amongst the glitz and glamor, one familiar face stood out, Pennsylvania Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Oz, showing his Jersey pride.

At the event, Oz bragged that “I’m from New Jersey. I appreciate all that our state offers,” and suggested that “he might get to be inducted [into the New Jersey Hall of Fame] someday.” 

Oz has been widely criticized as a carpetbagger, scammer, and fraud willing to do or say anything to advance his own career. In recent weeks, he’s been exposed for pushing pyramid schemes, taking millions from Big Pharma, and investing in companies he blames for skyrocketing insulin costs.

Up until February 2022, Oz didn’t even own a home in PA and was only able to vote by using his in-laws’ address

HuffPost: ‘I’m From New Jersey’: Dr. Oz Showed Jersey Pride At 2019 New Jersey Hall Of Fame Awards

By: Amanda Terkel | July 15, 2022

Key Points

  • “Three years ago, New Jersey’s glitterati gathered to toast the Garden State and honor 19 of its “most distinguished citizens” as they were inducted into the New Jersey Hall of Fame.”
  • “One of the people getting that recognition was Martha Stewart. And she had another accomplished New Jersey celebrity to introduce her: Mehmet Oz, better known as Dr. Oz.”
  • “Oz also gave an interview at the event in which he played up his New Jersey ties, saying, ‘I’m from New Jersey. I appreciate all that our state offers, and we can take folks who made big coming from the state, you want to celebrate them.’”
  • “He then joked that he might get to be inducted someday:
  • Q: Who in the future would you like to see be inducted into the New Jersey Hall of Fame if you had to pick a few people?
  • Oz: I love athletes that are from New Jersey, people forget how great our sports teams are. But I’m talking about folks who have done great. Great surgeons. [laughter]”
  • “Home-state pride is lots of fun, but touting his love of New Jersey just three years ago is a little awkward now that Oz is running to be Pennsylvania’s next U.S. senator.”
  • “Oz’s campaign bio says he lives in Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania. Oz jumped into the Pennsylvania Senate race in November 2021. He lived in northern New Jersey for three decades and, according to his campaign, moved to Pennsylvania in late 2020.
  • “The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that public records show Oz didn’t buy a house in Pennsylvania until February 2022, but his campaign said he was living at his in-laws’ home ― which is in the state ― while his new house was being renovated.”

Read the full report here.

Published: Jul 15, 2022 | Last Modified: Aug 26, 2022

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