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Monday, Aug 3 2020

Donald Trump’s Fails (Again) to Release Health Care Plan

Aug 03, 2020

In an interview with Fox News two weeks ago, a very sweaty Donald Trump promised that within fourteen days, “We’re signing a health care plan…a full and complete health care plan.” Two weeks later, Donald Trump has failed to deliver or even communicate the foundations of a health care plan – a hallmark of disastrous tenure in office. 

“No one should be surprised that the Gaslighter-in-Chief once again failed to put forward an alternative health care plan. What’s shocking is that Donald Trump is still pursuing a lawsuit in the middle of a pandemic that will kick millions off their plan and skyrocket premiums and drug prices,” said Kyle Morse, an American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson. “Trump has undermined our health care system since taking office and we cannot afford four more years of attacks and surging prices — especially with coronavirus spreading like wildfire.”

Trump’s abysmal health care record is littered with failures, broken promises, and sabotage that has led to increased premiums, increased prescription drug prices, decreased access to care, and a lawsuit that threatens to kick over 20 million people off of their insurance in the middle of a pandemic.

For Donald Trump’s full record on health care, download the report here.

Published: Aug 3, 2020

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