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Friday, Jan 20 2017

Donald Trump Violates The Constitution On Day One

Jan 20, 2017

Donald Trump Violates The Constitution On Day One

Trump’s refusal to sell his stake in his business is causing a constitutional crisis

It has only been a few minutes since Donald Trump raised his right hand and swore to uphold the Constitution, but he has already violated his oath of office. By failing to sell his business and separate himself from innumerable foreign conflicts of interest, Trump is breaking the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause which bars payments from foreign leaders to government officials.

“Donald Trump started Day One of his presidency with a giant target on his back for foreign leaders looking to bribe their way into the Oval Office or dictate national security decisions,” said American Bridge President Jessica Mackler. “But he does not seem to care that this is against the law because it can mean billions for his bottom line.”

The Constitution’s Emoluments Clause is not an outdated relic from another era. It’s what makes it illegal for Trump to profit from foreign business ties, such as:

  • When a foreign dignitary stays at one of Trump’s properties, like the new Trump International Hotel steps from the White House.
  • Potential accommodations made by the British government for his golf resort in Scotland. 
  • The Chinese state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China remains the single largest tenant in Trump Tower, where Trump is collecting rent. 

Donald Trump is not above the law or the Constitution he has sworn to preserve, protect, and defend. He must cut ties with his business once and for all.

Visit for a report from American Bridge: “How Donald Trump Will Profit From His Presidency.”

Published: Jan 20, 2017

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