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Friday, Oct 14 2016

Does Tea Party Extremist Joe Heck Carry His Koch Cash In A Wallet Or A Money Clip?

Oct 14, 2016

Joe Heck is trying to buy a Nevada Senate seat with the help of millions in outside spending from the Koch brothers’ political network. The only hiccup in this scheme is that Heck has to take the debate stage tonight and actually defend his congressional record . Unfortunately for Heck, money can’t change the fact that he’s been an unmitigated disaster in Congress for the Silver State.

Heck will try to portray himself as a “thousand points of light” moderate tonight, but Heck rode into Congress on the Tea Party wave and hasn’t strayed from the extremism that got him elected in 2010.

Heck’s anti-choice extremism cannot be overstated. In 2012, Heck voted for a 20-week abortion ban that didn’t include exceptions for rape or incest. Heck also voted to deny women access to emergency reproductive care–even if an abortion were necessary to save their life–if hospitals objected on moral grounds. Heck co-sponsored a federal personhood law which would effectively ban abortion and certain forms of birth control. Heck has taken every opportunity to undermine women’s health while serving in Congress.

When not pushing Tea Party extremism, Joe Heck keeps busy serving the Koch brothers’ interests. Marching in lockstep with a Koch brothers priority, Heck voted to protect the ability of predatory lenders to gouge Nevadans with exorbitant interest rates. Heck also voted to delay implementation of a rule protecting veterans from payday lending price gauging after accepting nearly $30,0000 in contributions from the payday lending industry. Joe Heck isn’t working for Nevada in Washington, he’s working for Joe Heck.

Aside from his record, there’s also the pesky business of Heck’s eleventh hour abandonment of Donald Trump. Heck stood with Trump in Nevada for months. Despite Trump’s characterization of Mexicans as criminals and rapists, his attacks on POWs for being captured, and his description of various women as dogs, slobs, and pigs, Heck had “high hopes” for a Trump presidency; last month Heck answered, “why wouldn’t I?” when asked if he trusts Donald Trump to command the nation’s nuclear arsenal. Heck’s own supporters saw through his opportunistic unendorsing, booing him and spending the week denouncing him on talk radio.

Joe Heck waited to let go of Trump’s coattails until they were totally nonexistent. His late in the game endorsement is the calculation of a Washington politician, not a demonstration of moral leadership.

Joe Heck and his special interest backers are trying to buy a Senate seat with a torrent of bogus, misleading, and simply false advertising. But even tens of millions of dollars can’t distract from Heck’s disastrous congressional record and his spineless support–and equally spineless unendorsement–of Donald Trump.


Heck’s Anti Choice Extremism

July 2012: Heck Voted To Criminalize Abortion In Washington D.C. “After 20 Weeks Even In Cases Of Rape, Incest And Fetal Abnormalities.” On July 21, 2012, Heck voted to pass House Resolution 3803, which was a bill that would have criminalized “abortions after 20 weeks even in cases of rape, incest and fetal abnormalities.” According to Politico, “A majority of the House backed a bill to ban abortion in the District of Columbia after 20 weeks of pregnancy, but the legislation still failed to get the votes needed to pass. Rep. Trent Franks’ ‘District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act’ was considered under a procedure that requires two-thirds of the House to pass. The bill fell short of that level with a final vote of 220-154 — six Republicans voted against the bill and 17 Democrats voted for the measure […] The restriction would not apply in situations where the life of the mother was threatened but it would criminalize abortions after 20 weeks even in cases of rape, incest and fetal abnormalities. Doctors would face up to two years of jail time and fines for not complying with the law.” [House Resolution 3803, 7/31/12; Politico, 7/31/12]

The Bill Would Have Allowed D.C. Physicians Who Did Not Comply With The Anti-Choice Legislation To “Be Fined Or Imprisoned For Up To Two Years.”According to The Hill, “H.R. 3803 would criminalize abortions in D.C. after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Republicans say some research suggests fetuses feel pain at that point, though the science is inconclusive. D.C. physicians who disobey the law would be fined or imprisoned for up to two years.” [Hill, 7/27/12]

October 2011: Heck Voted To Allow Hospitals To “Turn Away A Pregnant Woman Seeking Emergency Care Even If An Abortion Were Necessary To Save Her Life.” On October 16, 2011, Heck voted for H.R. 358, which was a bill that allowed “hospitals that oppose abortions on moral or religious grounds leeway to turn away a pregnant woman seeking emergency care even if an abortion were necessary to save her life.” According to the Washington Post, “The House voted to expand or reaffirm a ban on taxpayer funding of abortions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. That 2010 law, when combined with Department of Health and Human Services regulations and an executive order by President Obama, imposes a ‘Hyde Amendment’ ban on the use of federal funds to pay for abortions except in cases of rape or incest or when the procedure is necessary to save the life of the mother. This bill (HR 358) would add prohibitive language to the law that opponents said already was in place. The bill also would give hospitals that oppose abortions on moral or religious grounds leeway to turn away a pregnant woman seeking emergency care even if an abortion were necessary to save her life.” [House Vote 789, 10/13/11; H.R. 358, 10/13/11; Washington Post, 10/16/11]

2011: Heck Co-Sponsored The Life At Conception Act. According to Congress.Gov,  “Life at Conception Act – Declares that the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being beginning at the moment of fertilization, cloning, or other moment at which an individual comes into being. Prohibits construing this Act to require the prosecution of any woman for the death of her unborn child.” The bill was introduced in the House on 1/20/11. No subsequent action was taken. [Congressional Record, 1/20/11; Congressional Record, H.R. 374]

New York Times: Personhood Amendments “Would Essentially Deem Abortion And Some Types Of Birth Control Murder.” According to the New York Times, “The Democratic offensive is built around statements by Mr. Romney that some have linked to a proposed constitutional amendment in Mississippi, which among other things would effectively make illegal certain types of birth control. Under the measure, known as a ‘personhood’ amendment, a fertilized human egg would be declared to be a legal person. The amendment, which would essentially deem abortion and some types of birth control murder, represents perhaps the furthest front in the anti-abortion movement.” [New York Times, 11/3/11]

Personhood Amendments Prohibited Some Common Forms Of Birth Control, Including IUD’s And Morning-After Pills. According to the New York Times, “Specifically, personhood amendments bar some forms of birth control that prevent fertilized eggs from being implanted in a uterus, like IUD’s and ‘morning-after pills.’” [New York Times, 11/3/11]

Predatory Lending

December 2015: Heck Co-Sponsored H.R. 4018 Consumer Protection and Choice Act To Delay CFPB Payday Lending Rules For Two Years And Nullify The Rules In States That Have Payday Lending Laws. On December 9, 2015, Heck co-sponsored H.R. 4018: “This bill amends the Truth in Lending Act to prohibit a deferred presentment transaction except as provided under this Act. A ‘deferred presentment transaction’ is one in which currency or other payment is provided to a consumer in exchange for a consumer’s check or other payment instrument and an agreement that such check or payment instrument shall be held for a deferment period prior to presentment, deposit, or redemption.If the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) determines that a state has in effect a law that provides for the licensing of deferred presentment providers and the regulation of deferred presentment transactions, and that meets the requirements specified by this Act, any CFPB regulations concerning such transactions and providers shall not apply in such state. […] The bill makes these changes effective 24 months after enactment and prohibits the CFPB from establishing or enforcing any regulation governing deferred presentment transactions or payday loans during such period.” [H.R. 4018, Co-sponsored 12/9/15]

April 2015: Heck Supported Delaying The Requirement That Payday Lenders Use A Military Database To Ensure Military Members Did Not Get Charged An Interest Rate Higher Than 36 Percent. On April 29, 2015, Heck voted against an amendment proposed by Congresswoman Duckworth to the Fiscal Year 2016 National Defense Authorization Act, which was an amendment that removed the delay on the requirement on payday lenders to verify potential applicants’ names through a military database ensure military members would not get charged a higher interest rate than 36 percent. According to the Times Record News, “A social justice advocacy group in Texas says U.S. Rep. Mac Thornberry voted against the military regarding payday lending, but the congressman said that’s not entirely true […] At issue are new rules regarding payday lenders that requires them to run an applicant’s name through a military database to verify they are, indeed, a member of the military. However, language in the National Defense Authorization Act would have delayed implementation of the new rules. Rep. Tammy Duckworth, a Democrat from Illinois, drafted an amendment that would lift the delay, which passed out of the committee with a 32-30 vote […] Once identified, payday lenders cannot impose an interest rate higher than 36 percent.” [Duckworth Amendment – Fiscal Year 2016 National Defense Authorization Act, 4/29/15; Times Record News, 5/9/15]

Heck Accepted Donations From Predatory Lenders

The Dollar Loan Center Was A Payday Lender Owned By Charles Brennan That Had 29 Locations In The State Of Nevada

The Dollar Loan Center Was A Payday Lender. According to the Dollar Loan Center website, “The Dollar Loan Center Guarantee offers our signature loan alternatives which are superior to the traditional Payday Loan in California, Nevada, Utah, and South Dakota. Dollar Loan Center’s short-term cash loans are different than a traditional online payday loan. Are you in a bind in between paychecks? Is there a medical or other type of emergency? Have you come up short? Needing a short-term solution? You’re not the only one who doesn’t have enough cash to make ends meet. You’ve come to the right place. Our Dollar Loan Center low rate signature loans have interest that accrues daily which means you will only pay interest for the amount of time you need it. There are no prepayment penalties and any amount you pay over and above the interest that has accrued will go toward the loan principal and reduce the balance. Again, the total amount of interest you pay on your low rate signature loans is up to you.” [Dollar Loan Center, Viewed 10/5/15]

2015: Charles Brennan Was The Founder And Still The Majority Owner Of The Dollar Loan Center. According to the Dollar Loan Center website, “Dollar Loan Center (DLC) was founded in 1998 by Charles ‘Chuck’ Brennan who is still the majority owner of the company in addition to being the Founder/CEO.” [Dollar Loan Center, accessed 10/5/15]

By April 2015, There Were 29 Dollar Loan Center Stores In Nevada. According to the Dollar Loan Center website, “Today we celebrate the opening of another new store in North Las Vegas. This marks our 29th location in Southern Nevada and 84th location nationwide!” [Dollar Loan Center, accessed 10/5/15]

Heck Accepted A Total Of $21,200 From The Charles Brennan, The President Of The Dollar Loan Center, A Payday Lender, And His Wife

June 2015: Heck Accepted A $5,400 Campaign Contribution From Charles Brennan. According to Federal Election Commission reports on Heck’s itemized individual contributions, Charles Brennan, President of Dollar Loan Center, donated a total of $5,400 to Heck’s campaign on June 30, 2015. [Federal Election Commission Itemized Individual Contributions, Viewed 10/5/15]

June 2015: Heck Accepted A $5,400 Campaign Contribution From Mary Brennan. According to Federal Election Commission reports on Heck’s itemized individual contributions, Mary Brennan donated a total of $5,400 to Heck’s campaign on June 30, 2015. [Federal Election Commission Itemized Individual Contributions, Viewed 10/5/15; Argus Leader, 5/18/15]

March 2014: Heck Accepted A $5,000 Campaign Contribution From Charles BrennanAccording to Federal Election Commission reports on Heck’s itemized individual contributions, Charles Brennan, President of Dollar Loan Center, donated $5,000 to Heck’s campaign on March 7, 2015. [Federal Election Commission Itemized Individual Contributions, Viewed 10/5/15]

October 2012: Heck Accepted A $2,000 Campaign Contribution From Charles BrennanAccording to Federal Election Commission reports on Heck’s itemized individual contributions, Charles Brennan, President of Dollar Loan Center, donated $2,000 to Heck’s campaign on October 31, 2012. [Federal Election Commission Itemized Individual Contributions, Viewed 10/5/15]

June 2011: Heck Accepted A $1,000 Campaign Contribution From Charles BrennanAccording to Federal Election Commission reports on Heck’s itemized individual contributions, Charles Brennan, President of Dollar Loan Center, donated $1,000 to Heck’s campaign on June 30, 2011. [Federal Election Commission Itemized Individual Contributions, Viewed 10/5/15]

October 2010: Heck Accepted A $2,400 Campaign Contribution From Charles BrennanAccording to Federal Election Commission reports on Heck’s itemized individual contributions, Charles Brennan, President of Dollar Loan Center, donated $2,400 to Heck’s campaign on October 19, 2010. [Federal Election Commission Itemized Individual Contributions, Viewed 10/5/15]

November 2014: An Executive At Check Into Cash Inc. Donated $500 To Heck’s Campaign. According to Federal Election Commission reports on Heck’s itemized individual contributions, William Jones, an executive of Check into Cash Inc. donated $500 to Heck’s campaign on November 4, 2014. The company is located in Tennessee. [Federal Election Commission Itemized Individual Contributions, Viewed 10/5/15]

July 2011: A Marketing Employee At Check Into Cash Inc. Donated $1,000 To Heck’s Campaign. According to the Federal Election Commission reports on Heck’s itemized individual contributions, Courtney Pendergrass donated $1,000 to Heck’s campaign on July 28, 2011. The company is located in Tennessee. [Federal Election Commission Itemized Individual Contributions, Viewed 10/5/15]

December 2006: Heck Received $1,000 From Koster Finance, LLC. According to Joseph Heck’s Campaign Contributions and Expenses Report, he received $1,000 from Koster Finance, LLC in 2006. [Joseph Heck, Campaign Contributions and Expenses Report, 1/7/07]

September 2004: Heck Received $1,000 From MoneyTree, Inc. According to Joseph Heck’s Campaign Contributions and Expenses Report, he received $1,000 from MoneyTree, Inc. in 2004. [Joseph Heck, Campaign Contributions and Expenses Report, 10/21/04]

Published: Oct 14, 2016

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