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Wednesday, Oct 1 2014

Dishonesty Personified: Bruce Rauner's New Minimum Wage Lie

Oct 01, 2014

Bruce Rauner is out with a new ad that makes a laughable claim. The ad, “Screwed Up,” claims that Rauner’s plan will responsibly raise the minimum wage. Seriously.

Bruce Rauner will raise the minimum wage? That seems pretty unlikely considering his complete and utter distaste for the minimum wage. Rauner made his views perfectly clear, as caught by an American Bridge trackers, when he said he was “adamantly, adamantly against raising the minimum wage.

Moreover, Rauner has actually advocated for LOWERING the Illinois minimum wage, or doing away with the minimum wage altogether!

If you believe Bruce Rauner will raise the minimum wage, then I’ve got a $140,000 wine club membership and a $100,000 extra parking spot and a couple cattle ranches to sell you…

Published: Oct 1, 2014

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