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Friday, Mar 17 2023

DeSantis: 6 Years in Congress, 1 Law To Show For It

Mar 17, 2023

According to a new report from the American Independent, during his three terms in Congress from 2013-2019, Florida governor and 2024 GOP presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis “introduced only one proposal that became law.

DeSantis introduced 52 bills, amendments, and resolutions, but only one-sentence amendment adopted on a voice vote ever made it into a bill signed by any president. According to some of his Republican colleagues, DeSantis did not play well with others, and was a “bit of a loner” with “no friends” whose “unapproachable” attitude made him “not a very effective member of Congress.” 

The American Independent: DeSantis introduced only one proposal that became law during six years in the House

By: Josh Israel | March 17, 2023

Key Points:

  • “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is reportedly planning a 2024 campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, served in the House of Representatives for three terms from 2013 to 2019. While his official biography touts his advocacy of conservative priorities during that time, it does not mention any legislative accomplishments.”

  • “A review of legislative records on the website reveals that during his six years in the House, DeSantis introduced 52 bills, resolutions, and amendments.”

  • “Though his party held a majority in the House during his entire tenure, just four DeSantis bills passed the House: proposals to have the Office of Management and Budget study how social media activity is scrutinized during security clearance investigations; to make it easier for prosecutors to access Internet usage data for suspected child predators; to require the Justice Department to inform Congress every time it decides to no longer enforce a particular law; and to extend a freeze on pay raises for federal employees. None of these made it through the Senate.”

  • “It appears that the sole proposal authored by DeSantis that became law was a one-sentence amendment in July 2017 to the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2018.”

  • “The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.”

Read the full report here.

Published: Mar 17, 2023

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