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Tuesday, May 12 2015

Denial Is No Longer Just a River in Egypt: Johnson Gets Chippy with Constituent on Climate Change

May 12, 2015

Renowned climate skeptic Ron Johnson brought us a full plate of irrationality Saturday in Sherwood, Wisconsin, arguing with a constituent that we shouldn’t combat climate change because “our limited resources are better spent elsewhere.”

“We just shouldn’t spend a dime addressing it,” Johnson said in response to a question about why the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs — which Johnson chairs — isn’t focused on addressing climate change. It’s a ridiculous notion on its face, but is even more distressing considering the national security and intelligence communities agree that climate change “poses immediate risks to” America’s safety.
Ignorance is bliss and it probably helps Ron Johnson sleep at night. But the fact that the chairman of Homeland Security thinks the risks of climate change are irrelevant sure doesn’t help the rest of us.

Published: May 12, 2015

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