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Thursday, Jul 16 2015

Deceitful Video Just The Latest Part Of War On Women's Right To Choose

Jul 16, 2015

Planned Parenthood has long had a target on its back. The recently released bogus video and deceitful accusations that came with it are just the latest attacks in a long-standing campaign by extreme anti-choicers to defund Planned Parenthood.

Over the years extreme conservative organizations have accused Planned Parenthood of genocide, sex-selective abortion, and even said the group was teaching teens to cover up signs of domestic abuse — all un-grounded and false political ploys.

It hardly seems coincidental that just days after a new study reports that 95 percent of women who have abortions did not regret their decision, the anti-choice attack mill turned out another misleading video. Despite the numbers against them, Republicans have ignored the facts entirely, instead waging war on women’s health and their right to choose. 

Read more about the duplicitous attacks on Planned Parenthood here.

Published: Jul 16, 2015

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