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Tuesday, Nov 14 2017

Dean Heller's Unacceptable Response to Roy Moore's Scandal

Nov 14, 2017

It’s been 5 days since the Washington Post broke the horrific news of Roy Moore’s sexual assaults upon minors.
Rather than stand up to his own party, Dean Heller kept silent for 5 days. Even now, Heller has yet to unequivocally call for Roy Moore to drop out of the race, or announce that would vote against seating Moore should he win.
“It’s been five days, and Dean Heller still can’t find the words Nevadans are waiting for: Roy Moore’s behavior is reprehensible and he is unfit for office,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp. “Heller is so scared of his right-wing base he won’t even fully condemn Moore after a fifth accuser has come forward. In 2018, Nevadans will hold Heller accountable for enabling a predator and failing to put the safety of children above partisan politics.”
Timeline of Dean Heller’s Response to Roy Moore
Thursday 11/9: Washington Post publishes story with four women accusing Moore of sexual misconduct with minors.
Friday, 11/10: Dean Heller is silent on the serious and credible allegations against Moore, while 
Saturday 11/11: American Bridge releases digital ad holding Dean Heller accountable for his silence. Heller remains silent.
Sunday, 11/12: Heller remains silent.
Monday morning, 11/13: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he believes the women, calls on Moore to step aside. Dean Heller remains silent.
Monday afternoon, 11/13: 5th accuser comes forward accusing Moore of sexual assault.
Tuesday 11/14: Dean Heller finally issues a statement, saying that Moore should step aside “if true” while other Republicans call on Moore to drop out.

Published: Nov 14, 2017

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