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Friday, Jan 11 2019

DAY 21: Trump Shutdown Devastates American Workers As Senate GOP Refuses to Act

Jan 11, 2019

As Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell’s near record-breaking federal government shutdown enters its third week, workers across the country are facing their first payday without a paycheck,squeezing Coast Guard families and leading TSA agents to look for work elsewhere.

We’ll say it again: Mitch McConnell is as much to blame for this shutdown as Donald Trump. McConnell has refused to take up any of the funding bills passed by the House, including measures his Senate unanimously approved in December. He could easily bring those bills to the floor, and likely muster the votes in his caucus to override a veto from Trump. He’d alleviate financial stress for nearly 1 million American workers and also relieve pressure on members up for reelection in 2020.

Instead, McConnell is forcing his caucus to shoulder the shutdown blame as workers and families in their home states endure increasing financial hardships. Here are just a few of the millions of Americans impacted by the Trump-McConnell shutdown:

 KMSB (Tuscon, Arizona)

KCAU (Sioux City, Iowa)

KWYB (Butte, Montana)


KUTV (Salt Lake City, Utah)
WFVX (Bangor, Maine)
KYTV (Springfield, Missouri)
KKTV (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
WNCN (Raleigh, North Carolina)

Published: Jan 11, 2019

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