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Monday, Dec 6 2021

David Perdue Announces Candidacy for Georgia’s Governor

Dec 06, 2021

Today, failed one-term U.S. Sen. David Perdue — who has been accused of abusing his position and power as Senator for personal financial gain — announced that he’s mounting a challenge against Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp in what is shaping up to be an ugly and divisive, “scorched earth” Republican primary. 

Despite handing Democrats control of Congress after an embarrassing loss last January, Perdue was encouraged by Donald Trump to enter the race. The former president, dead set on revenge, made clear last week that he needs a “good Republican” who’s willing to help him spread the “Big Lie.”

“If Purdue wants a shot in this messy, chaotic primary, he will have to come out from behind the gates of his coastal estate and fight in the muck with Republican opponents who have already embraced deeply unpopular, politically toxic policies,” said American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Aidan Johnson. “Nothing, not even Donald Trump’s endorsement, can save Perdue from what will be a race to the bottom between a bunch of pompous, out-of-touch politicians who are far more focused on fighting each other than doing right by Georgia families.”

While Republicans struggle with political infighting, Democrats will continue to make sure that Kemp and Perdue answer for:

  • Refusing to expand Medicaid;
  • Opposing abortion
  • Supporting restrictions on voter participation; and
  • Fighting against measures to end the pandemic and grow the economy.


Published: Dec 6, 2021 | Last Modified: Dec 10, 2021

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