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Tuesday, Sep 13 2016

David Duke and Mike Pence's Mutual Admiration Society

Sep 13, 2016

Today, after Mike Pence made headlines this week for refusing to call David Duke “deplorable” when asked by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, David Duke returned the favor and expressed his admiration for Pence. Duke has been a vocal advocate for the Trump/Pence ticket, and just a few minutes ago he again expressed his support for the ticket and thanked Pence for his refusal to call Duke deplorable.

Trump and Pence have a history of refusing to denounce the former KKK Grand Wizard and noted white supremacist, and Pence’s refusal to denounce yesterday was just the latest in a string of comments by the Trump campaign refusing to condemn Duke.

Between Pence’s comments earlier this week and Duke’s today, one thing is clear — the Trump/Pence ticket is inextricably tied to a noted white supremacist and former KKK Grand Wizard.

Published: Sep 13, 2016

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