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Wednesday, Aug 31 2016

Darryl Glenn's Trumpian Immigration Policies Will Damage CO GOP

Aug 31, 2016

The Republicans’ chances of winning the Senate race in Colorado quickly disappeared when Darryl Glenn won the nomination. Glenn’s campaign has been focused on partisanship, gridlock, and extremism since the beginning. He’s successfully emulated Donald Trump in nearly every policy position, including immigration.

Don’t expect a “softening” from either of these immigration hardliners though. Both Glenn and Trump are proudly standing by their extreme, xenophobic policies:

  • Just like Trump, Glenn says “we need to build a wall and enhance technology.”
  • Just like Trump, Glenn opposes the bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform legislation and bills like it.
  • Just like Trump, Glenn is against President Obama’s executive actions that keep families together, including deportation protections like DACA and DAPA.
  • Just like Trump, Glenn is against sanctuary cities and encourages racial profiling. He’s even referred to Denver as a sanctuary city. 
  • Just like Trump said he was “hardening” his immigration stance, Glenn said he was a “hardliner” on immigration. 
  • Glenn supports making English the national language, which Vice President candidate Mike Pence has also shown his support for.

Glenn’s extremism is irreparably damaging the Colorado GOP just like Trump is a permanent stain on the national party. No wonder, the NRSC still refuses to officially endorse him. The CO GOP cannot stand beside Glenn and others like him and expect to make it to the next election cycle.


Glenn on Immigration

Border Security

Glenn Promised To Secure The Border

Glenn Promised To Secure The Border As U.S. Senator. According to Darryl Glenn’s website, “3) Freeing our future by defending our homeland and strenthening our national defense. Here’s how: Secure our national borders.” [Darryl Glenn, Accessed 4/19/16]

Glenn Said Securing The Border Was A National Security Issue. According to Darryl Glenn’s website, “There is clearly a dire need to address the growing impact of illegal immigration.  Congress and the President must first secure our borders and ports.  Border and port security should be treated as a national security issue free from partisan grandstanding.” [Darryl Glenn, Accessed 4/19/16]

  • Glenn Said The President And Congress Needed To “Secure Our Borders And Ports.” According to a Facebook post from Darryl Glenn, “. Congress and the President must first secure our borders and ports. Border and port security should be treated as a national security issue free from partisan grandstanding.” [Facebook – Darryl Glenn, 10/28/15]

Supported Building A Wall

Glenn Supported Building A Wall. According to Glenn’s comments at the District 6 Colorado Senate debate, “Glenn: We need to build a wall and enhance technology.” [District 6 Debate, American Bridge Tracking Footage, 5/19/16]

Opposed Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Glenn Opposed Bipartisan Legislation

Glenn Said He Would Not Have Voted In Favor Of The Gang Of Eight Comprehensive Immigration Reform Package. According to Glenn’s remarks at the Foothills Republican Senate Candidate Forum, “Q: How would you vote on a 2013 comprehensive immigration package that passed the Senate with 68 votes? [Gang of Eight] DG: One, I’d like to read that, but two, it’s not strong enough… No, I would not vote in favor, I have not read it and I do not support the current course of action.” [Foothills Republican Senate Candidate Forum, AB21 Tracking Footage, 5/12/16]

Glenn Said He Would Have Opposed The 2013 “Gang Of Eight” Comprehensive Immigration Reform Package. According to the Denver Post, “All the candidates voiced opposition to the 2013 immigration deal that included a pathway to citizenship.” [Denver Post, 5/17/16]

Glenn Called For Enforcing Existing Laws Before Any Reform

Glenn Said If The U.S. Was Going To “Add Or Subtract Immigration,” The Country Needed To “Make Sure That We Can Provide For The Safety And Security Of The People That Are Here Right Now.” In a debate on Channel 9, Q: “Should we allow more people into this country legally? If so, how many?” Glenn: “that question needs further analysis because you have to look at a stable immigration system. When I’m thinking about $19 trillion in debt. What I’m thinking about we have a system in place where people are coming to this country, employers are bringing them here and they’re having their own employees train them to then give them their jobs. That’s a system that needs to be thoroughly audited. We need to make sure that we can provide for the safety and security of the people that are here right now. Then if we’re going to bring more people in here, that’s fine. We need to do all those things but we better have a clear understanding about our ability to be able to make sure we are fiscally responsible as a country before we start figuring out whether we’re going to add or subtract immigration. That’s something that we need to do.” [AB 21 Media Monitoring – Channel 9,6/7/16]

Glenn Called For Immigration Laws To Be Enforced Before Anything Else Could Happen Regarding Immigration. According to Glenn’s comments at the Colorado Public Television GOP Senate debate, “Q: Specifically, both parties say immigration is a priority yet year after year nothing gets done. The Gang of Eight bill had a number of provisions that Republican ought to like, from E-Verify to $30 billion in new enforcement money, doubling the fencing, yet once again that got nowhere. How do we solve this issue in a bipartisan manner, what does that solution look like? Glenn: It starts with following through. What you’re seeing is there’s a lot of frustration and a lot of blame to be had on both sides. You need to first start with securing the border. Securing the border and ports is extremely important. It’s a national security issue. You can’t do all those other things until you actually show a commitment to doing that. Then when you start thinking about the rules that are already in place, why don’t we actually enforce the law.” [Colorado Public Television Debate, 5/25/16]


Glenn Supported Deporting Undocumented Immigrants Who Broke The Law

Glenn Called For Deportation Of Undocumented Immigrants Who Broke The Law. According to a speech Glenn gave at the La Plata County Assembly, Glenn said, “If you violate the rule of law you need to leave the country and how about we have English as the American language here.” [American Bridge Tracking Footage, 3/13/16]

Kate’s Law

Glenn Criticized Bennet’s Vote Against Kate’s Law. According to a press release from the Colorado GOP, “Colorado GOP Chairman Steve House and U.S. Senate candidate Darryl Glenn released the following statement on Sen. Michael Bennet’s unconscionable decision to oppose Kate’s Law: ‘Let’s be clear: yesterday Sen. Michael Bennet voted to let violent felons who have been previously deported simply return to the United States with no fear of mandatory incarceration for their crimes,’ said U.S. Senate candidate Darryl Glenn. ‘When is Sen. Bennet going to stop taking orders from Harry Reid and start thinking for himself about how to protect Colorado?’” [Press Release – Colorado GOP, 7/7/16]

The Legislation Would Have Given Any Undocumented Immigration Who Had Been Deported A Minimum Of Five Years In Prison Upon Reentry

“Kate’s Law” Would Have Automatically Given A Five-Year Prison Sentence To Undocumented Immigrants Who Reentered The Country. According to Town Hall, “Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced Kate’s Law last July after 32-year-old Kate Steinle was killed by an illegal immigrant. Her killer had been deported five times previously before returning to San Francisco, a ‘sanctuary city’ that has dangerously relaxed immigration policies. Kate’s Law would place a minimum sentence of five years on any illegal immigrant who reenters the country.” [Town Hall, 6/30/16]

Executive Actions On Immigration

Glenn Opposed Executive Orders On Immigration Because They Violated The “Rule Of Law”

Glenn Said Executive Orders Establishing Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants Violated The “Rule Of Law.” According to a Facebook post from Darryl Glenn, “I stand for what’s right…the rule of law. The idea of supporting executive orders that establish amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants or federal funding for “sanctuary cities” is a violation of the rule of law.” [Facebook – Darryl Glenn, 10/28/15]

Glenn Said President Obama’s Executive Actions On Immigration Violated The Law. According to a Facebook post from Darryl Glenn, “President Barack Obama violated the law last week with the full encouragement of Colorado Senator Michael Bennet. He signed an executive order that circumvents Congress and establishes amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants by fiat. He did so without regard for checks and balances that form the basis of America’s representative democracy.” [Facebook – Darryl Glenn, 11/24/14]

  • Glenn Said Michael Bennet Was One Of Five Senators That Signed A Letter Urging Obama To “Break The Law.” According to a Facebook post from Darryl Glenn, “Senator Bennet is among only five senators who signed a letter urging the President to break the law and impose a controversial and expensive policy on all Americans without a vote of the 435 representatives and 100 senators they elected to make laws. The order shows blatant disregard for the will of the governed, who are supposed to determine through representation what federal policies and laws will shape society.” [Facebook – Darryl Glenn, 11/24/14]

Identification Cards/Licenses

Glenn Opposed Allowing Undocumented Immigrants Access To Identification Cards Or Licenses. According to the Pueblo Chieftain, “Also, he [Glenn] is against identification cards or licenses (for people here illegally) and would defund sanctuary cities.” [Pueblo Chieftain, 4/24/16]

Ideology On Immigration


Glenn Called Himself A “Hardliner” On Immigration. According to the Pueblo Chieftain, “Glenn called himself a hard-liner on immigration. ‘We have to secure borders and ports,’ Glenn said. ‘It’s not a partisan issue, it’s an American issue.’” [Pueblo Chieftain, 4/24/16]

National Language

Glenn Supported Making English The “American Language”

Glenn: “Why Don’t We Adopt English As The American Language?” According to a speech Glenn gave at the La Plata County Assembly, Glenn said, “Why don’t we adopt English as the American language.” [American Bridge Tracking Footage, 3/14/16]

Sanctuary Cities

Glenn Proposed cutting All Federal Funding For Sanctuary Cities

Glenn Opposed Federal Funding For Sanctuary Cities. According to Darryl Glenn’s website, “I stand for what’s right…the rule of law.  The idea of supporting executive orders that establish amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants or federal funding for ‘sanctuary cities’ is a violation of the rule of law.” [Darryl Glenn, Accessed 4/19/16]

Glenn Called For Cutting All Federal Funding To Sanctuary Cities. According to the Denver Post, “Glenn was the only Senate candidate to speak Saturday who called for the repeal of the Iran nuclear deal, and he was alone in calling for cutting federal money to sanctuary cities, a label that is loosely assigned to Denver by Republicans and opponents of illegal immigration.” [Denver Post, 4/10/16]

Glenn Promised To Defund Sanctuary Cities As Senator. According to Glenn’s comments at the Denver Post debate, “Q: Do you believe the 11 million immigrants living in the United States illegally should be allowed to receive a form of permanent residency? If yes, what rights should that entail and if no, should they be sent back and how would you accomplish that? […] DG: I am never going to support amnesty or sanctuary cities. I will defund those.” [Denver Post GOP Primary Senate Debate, 5/17/16]

Glenn Considered Denver To Be A Sanctuary City

Glenn Said “Yes” When Asked If Denver Was A Sanctuary City. According to Glenn’s comments at the 9News debate, “Q: Do you consider Denver to be a sanctuary city? Glenn: Yes.” [9News Debate, American Bridge Tracking Footage, 6/7/16]

Denver Post: Republicans Considered Denver To Be A Sanctuary City. According to the Denver Post, “Glenn was the only Senate candidate to speak Saturday who called for the repeal of the Iran nuclear deal, and he was alone in calling for cutting federal money to sanctuary cities, a label that is loosely assigned to Denver by Republicans and opponents of illegal immigration.” [Denver Post,4/10/16]

Published: Aug 31, 2016

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