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Monday, Sep 12 2011

Dallas Morning News: Pawlenty endorses Romney, raising some eyebrows

Sep 12, 2011

“Tim Pawlenty , the first casualty of Rick Perry’s entry in the GOP presidential race, today threw his support to Perry’s main rival, Mitt Romney, despite longstanding qualms about Romney’s record on health care.


Democrats are having all sorts of fun with the conversion.

The Democratic National Committee and American Bridge, a liberal political action committee, dusted off a series of damning comments Pawlenty aimed at Romney — golden oldies date waaaaay back to… a month ago.

“Obamacare was patterned after Mitt’s plan in Massachusetts. And for Mitt or anyone else to say there aren’t substantial similarities or they are not essentially the same plan — it just isn’t credible. So that’s why I called it Obamneycare, and I think that’s a fair label,” Pawlenty said in Ames, Iowa, at an Aug. 11 debate.

Two months before that, on Sean Hannity’s show, Pawlenty asserted that Romney was directly responsible for the “development and construction of Obamacare.”
Romney, he said, “was involved in developing it, he really laid the groundwork…I don’t think you can prosecute the political case against President Obama if you are a co-conspirator in one of the main charges against the president, on the political level.”

Read more from the Dallas Morning News

Published: Sep 12, 2011

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