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Tuesday, Aug 17 2021

Coverage: Ron Johnson’s Tax Cuts-For-Donors Scandal

Aug 17, 2021

Rough media coverage has continued for U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, following ProPublica’s bombshell report last week highlighting Johnson’s push for 2017 tax law changes that provided “hundreds of millions of dollars in deductions to megadonors who funded his campaigns.”

And Johnson’s problems aren’t going away anytime soon, with questions still unanswered about his shadow lobbying for big donors. During a Friday radio interview, Johnson falsely denied hearing from campaign donors as he promoted tax law changes that benefited their businesses. Johnson’s denial comes despite a ProPublica-obtained paper trail showing that Johnson personally forwarded a prominent donor’s email about tax law changes “to top Republicans in the House and Senate,” while lobbying for bill modifications that would — and ultimately did — benefit said donor.

Read and watch the coverage from the past week:

AP: Report: Johnson pushed for tax break benefitting megadonors

WQOW-TV: “Senator Ron Johnson pushed for a tax break in 2017 resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in deductions to mega-donors who funded his campaigns…”

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Ron Johnson defends pass-through tax provision as Democrats accuse him of doing the bidding of his top donors

USA Today Network-Wisconsin Editorial Board: Nobody’s senator but theirs: Ron Johnson’s backroom dealing shows who he’s working for. It’s not you.

The Shepherd Express: Joel McNally: Ron Johnson and the Billionaire Gang 

MSNBC: The Reid Out: “Ron Johnson using his job to benefit his rich friends.”

MSNBC: Velshi: “According to ProPublica’s investigation, Johnson’s last-minute maneuver benefitted two families, both worth billions and both among the senator’s biggest donors.” 

The Daily Beast: Ron Johnson Pushed for Tax Breaks That Helped His Wealthy Donors: Report

The Nation: Ron Johnson Does the Bidding of the Ultra-Rich

Forbes: Billionaire business owners saved millions due to obscure 2017 tax change, ProPublica finds


Published: Aug 17, 2021

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