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Saturday, Sep 19 2020

Cory Gardner to Hold Fundraiser w/ Potential Trump SCOTUS Pick

Sep 19, 2020

In 2016 Gardner repeatedly said that “the next President” should fill the Supreme Court vacancy, now fundraising with potential Trump Court pick 

9 News: Gardner to hold fundraiser with Tom Cotton this week

This Monday, at an undisclosed location in Denver, Senator Cory Gardner is scheduled to hold a fundraiser with Arkansas Senator and potential Trump Supreme Court nominee Tom Cotton. In 2016, Gardner was adamant that a Supreme Court vacancy should not be filled before the Presidential election. So far, Gardner has refused to say whether he continues to hold himself and Mitch McConnell to the standard they set in 2016.

“Raising money with a potential Trump nominee for the Supreme Court is a disturbing sign for Coloradans waiting to hear from Cory Gardner if he’ll keep his word and let them have a say before filling a lifetime appointment,” said American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Zach Hudson. “For once, Cory Gardner needs to stand up to Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump and demand the American people have a voice in choosing the next Supreme Court Justice.”

Published: Sep 19, 2020

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