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Thursday, Jun 8 2017

Comey: Pence Was Aware Of Flynn’s Issues

Jun 08, 2017

Despite Vice President Mike Pence’s phony “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” act, former FBI Director Comey confirmed Pence was aware of the serious concerns raised by Acting Attorney General Sally Yates that then-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn could be blackmailed by the Russians.

Watch: “My understanding is that he was” aware of the concerns about Flynn.

Q: “Vice President Pence was the head of the transition, to your knowledge was he aware of the concerns about michael flynn prior to or during general flynn’s tenure as national security advisor?”

Comey: “I don’t, you’re asking including up to the time when flynn was forced to resign, my understanding is that he was and I am trying to remember where I get that understanding from I think from Acting Attorney General Yates.”


Published: Jun 8, 2017

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