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Monday, Apr 9 2012

Columbus Dispatch: Mandel Campaign Endures ‘Rocky Start’

Apr 09, 2012

On April 9, 2012, The Columbus Dispatch reported:

Mandel, 34, has endured wince-inducing publicity in his bid to unseat Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown, dinged by various media outlets for everything from handing plum state treasurer’s-office jobs to campaign aides to skipping 14 consecutive meetings of a state board he chairs as treasurer.


Of 15 Mandel statements evaluated by The Plain Dealer’s fact-checking arm, “PolitiFact,” seven have been deemed mostly false, false or “pants on fire” false. After Mandel received a “pants on fire” for blaming Brown for Ohio jobs relocating to China, Mandel told the newspaper that he intended to repeat the assertion “again and again” and said he sees no downside to doing so.

Read the full article here.

Published: Apr 9, 2012

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