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Thursday, Jan 6 2022

Co-Chairs’ Statement On the Anniversary of the January 6th Insurrection

Jan 06, 2022

Today, American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chairs Gov. Steve BullockGov. Deval PatrickTom Perez, and Cecile Richards, released the following statements on the one year anniversary of the January 6th attack on the Capitol: 

“On the anniversary of this dark day in American history, we remember the heinous attack on our democracy as well as the bravery shown by those who put themselves in harm’s way to defend it,” said Gov. Steve Bullock. “We are holding the families of the Capitol Police officers who lost their lives in our hearts as we reflect and mourn. Today is a crucial reminder of how fragile our democracy is and today we recommit ourselves to doing everything in our power to protect and strengthen the right to vote across our country.” 

“Last year on January 6th, America was reminded how fragile democracy is,” said Gov. Deval Patrick. “Today we think of and honor the bravery of the Capitol police, the integrity of state and local election officials, and the resolve of those members of Congress and their staff who kept faith in our democracy, stood up to Republican bullying, and did their duty to protect it. Whether this democracy flourishes in the future now depends on Senators voting in the coming weeks to respect the right to vote, and ultimately whether we as citizens make the most of that right.”

“On January 6th,the nation watched as a mob of insurrectionists attacked our Capitol in Washington, said Tom Perez. “This is a somber anniversary – particularly because Republican leaders in DC and in state capitols across the country have time and time again defended the actions taken on this fateful day. While Republicans are sowing distrust in our institutions and justifying this senseless violence, Democrats remain committed to strengthening our democracy. We will continue the fight to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act which will protect and expand the right to vote while taking steps to prevent voter disinformation.” 

“Today we mourn – particularly for the families of the Capitol Police officers who lost their lives and tomorrow we must continue the hard work of fighting the disinformation sown by Republicans who encouraged last year’s attack on the United States Capitol,” said Cecile Richards. “Republicans like Donald Trump and his allies are fully responsible for this fatal attack on the United States Capitol because of their repeated, unfounded attacks on our democracy. We know that Democrats in Congress will do everything they can to strengthen the right to vote, ensuring trust in our institutions.” 

In observance of January 6th, American Bridge 21st Century has also released a video underscoring the role that Donald Trump and Republicans played in an attempt to subvert American democracy and undermine our elections.



Published: Jan 6, 2022 | Last Modified: Jan 12, 2022

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