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Thursday, Apr 7 2022

Co-Chairs on the Supreme Court Confirmation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

Apr 07, 2022

Today, the United States Senate voted to confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson as an Associated Justice to the United States Supreme Court. A distinguished jurist and respected legal mind, Judge Jackson earned bipartisan support and she will be the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court in its 232 year history. President Biden kept his campaign promise of nominating a Black woman to America’s Supreme Court and his administration reflects the diversity of the United States with many historic firsts – including naming the first woman and person of color as Vice President. 

“Judge Jackson is a brilliant legal mind with the utmost character and integrity. By being confirmed by the Senate today, she has made history as the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court,” said Governor Steve Bullock. “Her confirmation is a fitting tribute to outgoing Justice Breyer’s legacy as she is one of his former clerks. Not only has Judge Jackson earned strong support in the Senate, but she has gained strong support from the public as well, with multiple surveys showing support for confirmation around 60%. Americans know that she will make an exceptional Supreme Court Justice.”

“Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson represents the best of American values and judicial excellence,” said Governor Deval Patrick. “Her broad experience across the legal profession – as a federal appellate judge, a federal district court judge, a member of the U.S. Sentencing Commission, an attorney in private practice, and as a federal public defender – will make the court stronger. We know that she is already a role model for millions of Americans and I would like to congratulate Judge Jackson on this historic confirmation.”

“Through her bipartisan confirmation to the Supreme Court today, Justice Jackson has made history,” said Secretary Tom Perez. “Over the course of her confirmation process Judge Jackson was supported by a wide range of individuals and groups — from the law enforcement community including the Fraternal Order of Police and International Association of Chiefs of Police; to conservative and Republican legal and judicial voices, including retired Judges Thomas Griffith, Michael Luttig, David Levi; to domestic violence and sexual assault survivors. And her presentation in the hearing was praised by the Wall Street Journal editorial board. She will make an extraordinary addition to the Supreme Court.” 

“Today is a historic day and we are thrilled that Judge Jackson was confirmed by a bipartisan group of United States Senators.  Our country is long overdue for equal representation on the Supreme Court, and we could not be better served than by this distinguished judge,” said Cecile Richards. “Judge Jackson showcased her extraordinary record with dignity and grace throughout her confirmation process – despite the outrageous treatment by Republican senators during her hearings. It is clear that the usual Republican attacks failed because Judge Jackson is extraordinarily qualified to serve as a Supreme Court Justice. Today is one for celebration. Tomorrow we must continue the important work of protecting women’s rights, abortion rights, and workers’ rights by continuing to support strong judicial nominees like Judge Jackson.”


Published: Apr 7, 2022

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