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Thursday, Jan 8 2015

Chris Christie, Call Your Lawyer.

Jan 08, 2015

A year ago today, the nation was introduced to the now infamous line, “time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee” as emails were released from Chris Christie’s deputy chief of staff, Bridget Anne Kelly. Despite Christie’s continued insistence that his Bridgegate nightmare is over and he absolved of wrongdoing, the scandal and connected incidents keep bringing new travails for the governor. This morning, the Wall Street Journal reported that federal prosecutors have subpoenaed Christie’s reelection campaign in relation to meetings Christie cancelled after a Democratic lawmaker refused to endorse him in his reelection bid. You have to hand it to the guy, when it comes to retribution, he truly is an elite politician.

Meanwhile, there are new developments in Christie’s latest fiasco surrounding his ethically dubious journeys to Jerry Jones’ box for Cowboys games. According to the Asbury Park Press, the New Jersey State Ethics Commission “has received, and is reviewing, the complaint filed by American Democracy Legal Fund” regarding a potential ethics violation from Christie. It seems the governor “personally pushed” for a government contract to go to a firm partially owned by Jerry Jones, then turned around and accepted gifts from Jones in the form of travel, tickets, and awkward hugs. (okay, the hugs may be legal)

All this is leading some in the press to say, “perhaps Chris Christie’s first 2016 hires should be lawyers?”

Published: Jan 8, 2015

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