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Wednesday, Jul 14 2021

“Chameleon” Youngkin Can No Longer Hide His Out-of-Touch Beliefs

Jul 14, 2021

As the Virginia Mercury writes, “a clearer picture is emerging” of Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin. Spoiler alert: it’s not a pretty sight. Despite his campaign still having no issues page on its website, in recent weeks Youngkin has been exposed for running on Donald Trump’s far-right agenda while hoping the voters of Virginia don’t find out.

According to Virginia Mercury:

The bigger problem is the lack of candor and specificity Youngkin has displayed so far. Virginians deserve to know how he would wield power before Nov. 2 – not after. They already know how his Democratic opponent would do things. 

So far, Youngkin has proposed new regulations on voting despite fraud being “virtually nonexistent,” has argued it was a “sad thing” that Virginia expanded Medicaid, called President Biden’s American Rescue Plan “unnecessary,” and behind closed doors told campaign donors he would defund planned parenthood and ban abortion

No wonder Glenn Youngkin is dodging debates

Virginia Mercury: A clear picture is emerging of Glenn Youngkin

By: Roger Chelsey | July 14, 2021

Key Points:

  • “Go to Youngkin’s campaign website, and there’s no ‘Glenn’s Stand on the Issues,’ or something similar. (My email to the campaign on this obvious absence wasn’t returned.) The lack of details is extremely odd for a newcomer who hopes to lead 8.5 million Virginians”
  • “The commonwealth has turned bluer over the past decade, and what Youngkin is selling might not find as receptive an audience if Virginians knew more about him.”
  • “‘I’m not a politician,’ Youngkin says on his campaign’s website. He’s sure acting like one. That much is clear.”

Read the full report here.

Published: Jul 14, 2021

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