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Monday, May 2 2022

Cecile Richards Statement on SCOTUS Plan To Overturn Roe v. Wade

May 02, 2022

Tonight, in response to the Politico report that the Republican majority on the United States Supreme Court plans to rule to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chair and former President of Planned Parenthood Cecile Richards issued the following statement: 

“Five judges appointed by Republicans appear to be prepared to end a fifty year old constitutional right to legal abortion – a right that most of us have grown up with having for our entire lifetime. The Republican Party has made ending access to safe and legal abortion a litmus test and a guiding principle for every member of their party. It is a sick and cynical strategy that is causing harm as we speak to women and families all over this country – particularly in marginalized communities. A vast majority of Americans want abortion to be left up to a pregnant personand their doctor – this decision ends that possibility. This is Republican politicians putting government in charge of your pregnancy. Full stop.”

According to a poll conducted by American Bridge, EMILY’s List, and Planned Parenthood, making abortion illegal is deeply unpopular. This poll found that voters, by a 71-point margin, said they would be more likely to vote for a Democrat who favors leaving the decision on abortion up to a woman and her doctor and opposes efforts to ban abortion than a Republican who favors making abortion illegal. 


Published: May 2, 2022 | Last Modified: May 5, 2022

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