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Wednesday, Feb 2 2022

AB21 Co-Chair Cecile Richards: “Republicans Are Out-Of-Touch With Women Voters”

Feb 02, 2022

In case you missed it, on Monday, former Planned Parenthood president and American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chair Cecile Richards joined Deadline: White House on MSNBC to discuss the impending Supreme Court nomination and the impact it will have on Roe v. Wade as well as the 2022 midterm elections. 

Watch Here:

According to Ms. Richards:

“ Eight percent, according to the Gallup poll, of people in this country believe that decisions about pregnancy should be made by the woman and not by government and by politicians. In our own polling at American Bridge it showed the same thing, and for Independent women, Republican women this is very distressing. They feel that the Republican Party has completely lost touch.”


“A United States Senator voting against the first Black woman to be nominated to the Supreme Court that really shows how far out-of-step they are and I think the same thing is true when you see Republican governors and Republican-controlled state legislatures across this country rushing to pass abortion bans with the hope that this Supreme Court overturns Roe and they have the chance to end safe and legal abortions in their state. It is incredibly distressing and it’s going to be distressing for people all across the political spectrum.”

Recent polling from American Bridge 21st Century, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, and EMILY’s List shows abortion drives voters to support Democrats over Republicans by a 71-point margin. Voters overwhelmingly oppose efforts to severely restrict abortion access and believe that Republicans are out of step with their personal views on this issue. Support for Roe v. Wade is widespread and intense, and voters do not want to see it overturned.

However, only a third of voters said they thought Roe was likely to be overturned — but 55 percent said that if it was, their state was “very or somewhat likely” to pass new laws restricting abortion. This means voter education will be key

Published: Feb 2, 2022 | Last Modified: Feb 7, 2022

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