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Friday, Apr 29 2022

ICYMI – AB21 Co-Chair Cecile Richards on CNN To Talk About GOP Abortion Bans 

Apr 29, 2022

Today, American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chair and former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards appeared on CNN’s At This Hour with Kate Bolduan to discuss the GOP’s attacks on abortion care in Oklahoma, Texas, and throughout the country. The Republicans’ strategy to unconstitutionally end or restrict abortion access is part of their decades-long, and extremely unpopular effort to overturn Roe v. Wade. 


Key Quotes: 

  • “These bills are cruel and inhumane and unconstitutional, and it has created this crisis in that many women where Texas essentially banned most abortions, most legal abortions last September. And so many women have turned to Oklahoma, Mississippi, and Louisiana. It really essentially means we’re creating an entire wasteland across certain parts of the country where access to safe and legal abortion is virtually going to be unknown and unavailable.” 
  • “Access to safe and legal abortion has been a constitutional right for women for nearly 50 years in the United States. So this Supreme Court is poised to upend a right that most of us have grown up with having for our entire lifetime. The difference in this country is that the Republican Party, one of our two major parties, has made it their primary issue to end access to safe and legal abortion for their own political purposes. Access to legal abortion is supported by people in America, all across the country, all across every party. But the Republican Party has been completely focused on agitating on this issue in order to get a certain wing of their party to be active in politics. And that is what is really unbelievable to see, is that these bills are not being passed because the people of Oklahoma rose up and said, we don’t want access to safe and legal abortion anymore. It’s strictly because the Republican Party has made this a priority.”


Published: Apr 29, 2022

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