After over three months without a public event, Senator Dean Heller will finally attend a single town hall on Monday, April 17.
Except it’s not Dean Heller’s town hall. He’s just guest-starring at a town hall organized by his high school buddy Rep. Mark Amodei.
And this town hall is in Amodei’s Second Congressional District — and Dean Heller has failed to commit to a public event in Nevada’s other three districts. Just as bad, Dean Heller hasn’t promoted this event at all. His website? Nothing. Facebook? Nada. Twitter? Zip.
“Dean Heller is doing the bare minimum after months of pressure from his constituents. Instead of holding his own town hall and informing Nevadans about it, he’s tagging along at one of Rep. Amodei’s regular town halls. And no one doubts this town hall will go precisely the same way as March’s Carson Chamber of Commerce event, when Rep. Amodei answered all the hard questions so lazy Dean Heller could hide from his constituents,” said American Bridge spokesman Joshua Karp.
Published: Apr 11, 2017