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Monday, Feb 27 2017

Bridge Project Launches Second Wave of Ads Against Heller and Flake

Feb 27, 2017

Today, American Bridge 21st Century unveiled new digital ads targeting Senators Dean Heller and Jeff Flake for failing to back an independent investigation into Trump’s ties to Russia.

The ads will run on YouTube and other video platforms as pre-roll, short digital advertisements that play before a video. The campaign will last two weeks in Nevada and Arizona and urge voters to contact their Senators and sign a petition urging Heller and Flake to support an independent investigation to find out just how entangled Trump is with Russia.

Statement from American Bridge President Jessica Mackler:

“As if Donald Trump’s close ties with Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin weren’t troubling enough, it’s now clear that his administration attempted to cover up communications between Trump’s associates and the Russians. While Dean Heller and Jeff Flake ignore the questions surrounding Trump’s ties to Russia, Donald Trump, himself, continues to put America’s national security and the interests of the American people at risk. It’s time to launch an independent investigation, Senators.”

The ads appear below:

Senator Heller: Time to Investigate
Senator Heller: Time to Investigate
Senator Flake: Time to Investigate
Senator Flake: Time to Investigate

Published: Feb 27, 2017

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