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Thursday, Jun 19 2014

BREAKING: The 5 Things You Need to Know About Scott Walker & John Doe

Jun 19, 2014

The release of new documents today in the most recent Wisconsin John Doe investigation is making major headlines for one key reason: we now know that Scott Walker is a direct subject of this investigation into potentially illegal coordination between Walker’s recall campaign and outside groups. More importantly, prosecutors are alleging that Walker’s campaign “tacitly admitted to violating Wisconsin law.”

Bridge has posted all of today’s newly released documents here for your review, but we’ve done one better and read through them all for you. Here are the 5 things you need to know about Scott Walker and this latest John Doe investigation:

  1. Prosecutors are citing the existence of a “wide ranging scheme” to illegally coordinate activities between Walker’s campaign and outside groups
  2. Scott Walker’s campaign “tacitly admitted to violating Wisconsin law” per prosecutors – Page 139-140
  3. Prosecutors argue that this scheme “pervaded nearly every aspect of the campaign activities during the 2011 and 2012 elections” – Page 144
  4. Even the national Club for Growth raised concerns about the coordination – Page 126
  5. Scott Walker personally emailed Karl Rove to praise the coordination efforts of R.J. Johnson, who was at the center of the alleged coordination – Page 128

Published: Jun 19, 2014

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