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Friday, Aug 22 2014

BREAKING: Devastating Revelations From New John Doe Docs For Scott Walker

Aug 22, 2014

A new batch of John Doe docs was released today in the ongoing investigation of Scott Walker’s role in a criminal scheme focused on the illegal coordination of campaign spending. The new documents reveal the extent to which Scott Walker was at the center of this scheme.

These docs show compelling evidence that Scott Walker called for money to be funneled to the Wisconsin Club For Growth so as to have a centralized hub of outside cash with an ability to control messaging.

Additionally, in an email from Katie Doner, a fundraising consultant, sent to Scott Walker himself, as well as campaign consultant and Wisconsin Club for Growth adviser RJ Johnson, and other Walker aides. Doner specifically suggests that Club For Growth “take the Koch’s money” and “get on a plane to Vegas and sit down with Sheldon Adelson. Ask for $1m now.” Moreover, Doner directly called for the creation of a new 501c4.

Key passages are pasted below and linked here. All documents can be downloaded via American Bridge here, and we will continue to keep folks uploaded as we dig through the 1000+ pages of new docs and learn what other revelations come about regarding Walker’s shady (illegal) actions.




Published: Aug 22, 2014

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