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Tuesday, Feb 14 2012

Boston Globe: Mitt Romney And Rick Santorum Fight Over Each’s Record Getting Earmarks From Washington

Feb 14, 2012

On February 13, 2012, the Boston Globe  reported:

In a fight to be seen as the most fiscally conservative presidential candidate, Republicans Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum have been attacking one another for requesting federal spending.

Santorum, as Pennsylvania senator from 1995 to 2006, requested more than $1 billion in earmarks. Romney collected millions as Massachusetts governor and as the manager of the Salt Lake City Olympic Games. In both cases, the use of an established political practice is coming back to haunt the GOP candidates as they campaign on platforms of cutting government spending.


But Romney’s opponents are using Romney’s record against him. “Mitt Romney criticizing Rick Santorum over requesting earmarks is so blatantly hypocritical it is outright laughable,” said Ty Matsdorf, spokesman for the Democratic group American Bridge 21st Century. “As both governor and head of the Olympics, Romney actively and aggressively pursued federal funding, which makes this line of attack nothing more than a cheap political shot.”

Read the full article here.

Published: Feb 14, 2012

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