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Monday, Sep 12 2011

Boston Globe: In 1992, Perry Disparaged The N.H. Primary (VIDEO)

Sep 12, 2011

On September 12, 2011, the Boston Globe reported:

“How times change.

In February 1992, after President George H.W. Bush beat Pat Buchanan by a less-than-expected margin in the New Hampshire presidential primary, the Texas agriculture commissioner had some unflattering things to say about the Granite State’s nominating process.

Speaking to the Houston Rotary Club, the commissioner voiced his support for the Texan president. “I haven’t figured out New Hampshire yet,” he said, according to a video of his remarks posted online by the Democratic-backed group American Bridge. “New Hampshire is so small up there, there were 55,000 people [who] voted in New Hampshire in one side of this thing – matter of fact, whoever that guy was who was running against the president got 55,000 votes. But Denton County [Texas] has got more votes than that that will vote in the primary up there. So I haven’t figured out why that’s so important.”

The commissioner was Rick Perry – the now-Texas governor and Republican presidential candidate who is planning to hire one of the largest campaign staffs in the New Hampshire Republican primary.”


Published: Sep 12, 2011

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