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Thursday, May 19 2011

Bloomberg: Democratic Groups Pool Money Efforts to Take On Rove, Republicans in 2012

May 19, 2011

Three Democratic political groups will team up with a new organization founded by former White House aides to try to keep President Barack Obama in office and win House and Senate seats in 2012, parroting a strategy deployed successfully by Republicans last year.


Three of the organizations, like their Republican counterparts, won’t have to disclose all of their donors.

“There will be a lot of coordination among the Democratic groups,” said Alixandria Lapp, executive director of House Majority PAC. “We’re trying to figure out how we can share resources and spend our collective donors’ money efficiently.”

House Majority PAC will focus on House races, Majority PAC will concentrate on the Senate, and Priorities USA will work to re-elect Obama. They will be supported by American Bridge 21st Century, which will raise money to dig up information on Republican candidates that the other groups can use in the campaigns.


“We saw how well Republican groups worked together in 2010. Going forward, Democrats will build on their successes,” said Chris Harris, a spokesman for American Bridge. “We won’t simply replicate them — we’ll do it better.”

Burton, Lapp and Craig Varoga of Majority PAC and its affiliated non-profit, Patriot Majority USA, didn’t specify a fundraising goal.

American Bridge, founded by David Brock and chaired by Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, is looking to raise $15 million to $20 million, though it won’t run political ads. It will focus on providing research on Republican candidates to the other three groups to use in their ads, Harris said.

“We’re aiming to build the biggest, fastest, hardest- hitting research and tracking shop in politics,” he said.

Read more from Bloomberg

Published: May 19, 2011

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