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Tuesday, Mar 22 2022

Bloomberg: BridgeTogether Using Grants to Fuel Turnout in Battlegrounds

Mar 22, 2022

Yesterday, Bloomberg News reported that BridgeTogether has announced a round of grants for voting rights organizations in Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia –  Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity, Arizona AANHPI for Equity Coalition, and Asian Americans Advancing Justice Atlanta

Bloomberg News: BridgeTogether Using Grants to Fuel Turnout in Battlegrounds

By Emma Kinery | March 22, 2022

Key Points: 

  • “American Bridge…plans to award grants to allied groups in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona, key battleground states, to energize voter turnout in the upcoming midterm elections.” 
  • “American Bridge has pledged more than $1 million to support grassroots and organizing in key states during the 2022 election cycle, Jessica Floyd, president of American Bridge, said in an emailed statement.”
  • “Overall, the organization says it intends to put more $100 million toward the 2022 elections that will decide control of the U.S. House and Senate.” 
  • “In Pennsylvania, the focus is on enfranchising formerly incarcerated Black and Hispanic voters. The American Bridge grant of $170,000 will go to the creation of “pardon hubs” in 13 counties where citizens can receive coaching on how to apply for a pardon to expunge their criminal record, as well as register to vote.” 
  • The grants in both Arizona and Georgia are going to organizations focused on expanding Asian American and Latino voter registration and education on the electoral process.”

Read the full report here.


Published: Mar 22, 2022

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