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Friday, Aug 15 2014

Being a Corbett "ghost employee" is nice no-work, if you can get it

Aug 15, 2014

Make one call a day, send five emails a year, pass “Go,” and collect $140,000. That’s the Monopoly-esque carte blanche that Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett presented to his former state education secretary Ron Tomalis.

Reports have surfaced that Tomalis has been a “ghost employee” for the past fourteen months, collecting his former cabinet salary while doing precious little work as a higher education adviser to Governor Corbett.

Pennsylvanians are understandably frustrated that taxpayer dollars have continued to pay Tomalis’ salary to do little to no work, especially in the midst of a state fiscal crisis. Tomalis is now resigning his phony post, but not after taking in more than double the median income in the Keystone State, leaving us with two questions: when is Corbett going to issue taxpayers a refund for Tomalis’ salary, and where can we sign up to become “ghost employees”?

Watch local press take Corbett to task for wasting taxpayer dollars on a “ghost employee”:

Published: Aug 15, 2014

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