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Friday, Dec 15 2017

Bad Year of Laxalt: Shady Favors, Cover-ups, and Ethics Scandals Galore

Dec 15, 2017

A Roundup of Adam Laxalt’s Terrible Year

Let’s face it – it’s been a bad year for Adam Laxalt. From February, when news surfaced about Laxalt’s attempts to convince the state’s chief gaming regulator to intervene in a lawsuit to benefit Laxalt’s largest campaign contributor, to being blasted for opposing Nevada’s involvement in a lawsuit against opioid manufacturers, Laxalt has been awash in bad headlines all year.

In order to commemorate Adam Laxalt’s spectacularly bad year, American Bridge will be highlighting Laxalt’s terrible headlines all day long via Twitter using the hashtag #BadYearofLaxalt.

American Bridge spokesperson Lizzy Price made the following statement:

“This year, Adam Laxalt has proven the saying, ‘you reap what you sow.’ Laxalt has spent his short career pursuing policies that reward his donors at the expense of Nevadans – and now he’s wrapped up in so many ethics scandals, we’ve lost count. 2017 has been a terrible year for Adam Laxalt and he is a terrible choice for Nevada.”

Did we miss a bad Laxalt headline? Tweet it!

The Nevada Independent: Chief gaming regulator secretly recorded conversation with attorney general, turned tape over to FBI

AP: Nevada Democrats want ethics probe of Laxalt meeting

KLAS: Laxalt’s speech at NRA convention angers gun background check groups in Nevada

Las Vegas Sun: Group speaks out against Laxalt over background-check law

The Nevada Independent: Legislature obtains secret recording of AG, affidavit from gaming regulator who taped him

The Nevada Independent: Tape: Laxalt asks regulator to intervene in Sands case, acknowledged ‘tough request’

The Nevada Independent: Deputy attorney general: ‘I would advise against’ Gaming Control Board intervening in Sands lawsuit

Las Vegas Review-Journal: Bill to replace AG as gaming board counsel has Wednesday hearing

AP: Nevada Attorney General faces ethics probe

The Nevada Independent: Lawmakers schedule Wednesday hearing for bill inspired by Laxalt-Burnett secret recording

Reno Gazette-Journal: Democrats set hearings on bill in response to Laxalt tape

KKOH Reno: Hearings on Laxalt Gaming Board Controversy Set For Wednesday

KKOH Reno: Governor Not on “Team Laxalt” in Gaming Dispute

The Nevada Independent: Laxalt dodges questions after affidavit alleging he attempted to persuade gaming regulator to assist Adelson

The Nevada Independent: Updated Laxalt/Burnett/Adelson story: Text messages back up Burnett’s affidavit

The Nevada Independent: Updated: Bill in works to take AG out as legal counsel to gaming regulators

The Nevada Independent: Sandoval, Laxalt to greet President Trump on his 1st trip to Nevada since the election

Mother Jones: Nevada Republican Leaders Are in the Hot Seat for Refusing to Implement New Background-Check Law

New York Times Editorial Board: On Guns, Nevada’s Leaders Are Overruling Their Voters

After Gov. Brian Sandoval, a Republican, vetoed legislation to tighten background checks in Nevada in 2013, public interest groups like Everytown for Gun Safety took the matter directly to the state’s voters in November through a ballot initiative known as Question 1. The N.R.A. spent millions of dollars to defeat the proposal; its “no” campaign had the support of the state’s attorney general, Adam Laxalt, and many sheriffs. Yet, a narrow majority of people voted for Question 1, which had the support of police unions, health groups and others.

Las Vegas Review-Journal: Sandoval disagrees with Laxalt plan to eliminate commerce tax

Sandoval responded to a report in the Nevada Independent that Laxalt, expected to announce a bid for governor in the coming weeks, wants to repeal the levy sought by Sandoval and approved with some Republican support in 2015.

“I think it is going to hurt kids. I think it is going to hurt teachers. I think it is going to hurt parents,” he said in response to a question after the Board of Examiners meeting. “It would hurt our K-through- 12 system.”

The Nevada Independent: Sandoval doubles down on Laxalt proposal to repeal Commerce Tax, calls it ‘slap in the face’ to families, teachers

Nevada Appeal: Nevada Gov. Sandoval strongly against Laxalt bid to repeal commerce tax

The Nevada Independent: Sandoval lambastes Laxalt proposal to repeal Commerce Tax

ProPublica/Vanity Fair: Nevada Pardons Wrongfully Convicted Man Featured in Our Story

KLAS: Controversy surrounds Laxalt’s lone vote against pardon for Frederick Steese

Reno Gazette-Journal: Records sought on Laxalt pardon vote

The Nevada Independent: Wolfson acknowledges a key talking point being used by Laxalt to defend pardon vote is not true

Reno Gazette-Journal Opinion: Laxalt just another empty suit

The Nevada Independent: Reno mayor blasts Laxalt for pitting ‘Nevadans against Nevadans’ amid opioid lawsuit disagreement

The Nevada Independent: Governor candidate Schwartz backs Reno opioid lawsuit, criticizes Laxalt for opposing it

Reno Gazette-Journal: Prosecutors’ group pushes Nevada AG to enforce background-check law

Reno Gazette-Journal: Audio reveals Laxalt asked staff to help fight coverage of record requests from Democrats

Nevada Public Radio: Recordings Raise Questions About Politics And AG Laxalt’s Office

Published: Dec 15, 2017

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