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Tuesday, Sep 20 2022

AZSOS Republican Nominee Campaigns With Sandy Hook And 9/11 Truther

Sep 20, 2022

According to new reporting from the Daily Beast and the Arizona MirrorArizona Secretary of State Republican nominee Mark Finchem attended a fundraiser on Sunday hosted by “a self-identified ‘truther’ who adheres to the QAnon conspiracy theory and has spent years propagating baseless lies like the Sandy Hook shooting being a staged “false flag” and Sept. 11 being an ‘inside job.’”

The fundraiser, in sunny southern California, featured Steve Bannon and disgraced former Army Gen. Mike Flynn — as well as prominent QAnon conspiracy theorists, including a woman who “sang a Qanon-themed song at some point in the program.”

Finchem — with only seven weeks until the midterms — continues campaigning with dangerous conspiracy theorists, spreading vile misinformation like the idea that “certain foods and drinks are made with aborted fetal tissue” and that people should drink “a solution he called the “Miracle Mineral Solution” that was essentially bleach, to ward off COVID-19.”

If Finchem wins in November, he has promised to fundamentally alter Arizona’s elections, rigging the results for Donald Trump. 

The Daily Beast: AZ Secretary of State Candidate Mark Finchem Campaigned With Sandy Hook Truther

By: Sam Brodey | September 20, 2022

Key Points

  • “Like many high-profile candidates for office before him, Mark Finchem—the Republican nominee for Arizona secretary of state—headed to California for a fundraiser last weekend.”

  • “Unlike basically any other high-profile candidate for office, Finchem had his fundraiser co-hosted by a self-identified ‘truther’ who adheres to the QAnon conspiracy theory and has spent years propagating baseless lies like the Sandy Hook shooting being a staged ‘false flag’ and Sept. 11 being an ‘inside job.’”

  • “Just last week, Nogrady commemorated the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks by claiming on social media that they were staged. ‘The same people who orchestrated the event have been working hard behind the scenes to create their desired ‘One World Gov’t’ and have made us divided more than EVER before,’ she said, calling 9/11 ‘the day the Deep State took thousands of lives.’”

Arizona Mirror: Mark Finchem held a fundraiser with 9/11 truthers and QAnon influencers

By: Jerod Macdonald-Evoy | September 20, 2022

Key Points

  • “On her website, Nogrady has republished the conspiracy theory film Zeitgeist, which also claims that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated by the United States government, among a litany of other claims.”

  • “Video of the event shows that conspiracy theory language and rhetoric was front and center. A song titled ‘WWG1WGA,’ which is the QAnon slogan, was sung live by the artist who wrote it.”

  • “Also in attendance was Jordan Sather, a prominent QAnon influencer. Sather posted pictures of the event on social media that showed ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ themed red wine at the tables, along with photos of himself with disgraced former Army Gen. Mike Flynn and Steve Bannon, who was one of Donald Trump’s key advisors in 2016.”

  • “Sather has long been active in conspiracy theory circles, including appearing in a film called ‘Above Majestic,’ in which he claims that extraterrestrials were behind 9/11, among many other spurious and dubious assertions. In an interview with comedian Jim Jefferies, Sather also alleged that Democratic politicians were using ‘adrenochrome,’ an alleged drug harvested from the blood of children. There is no evidence supporting the claim.”

Read more from the Daily Beast and the AZ Mirror.

Published: Sep 20, 2022

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