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Monday, Jul 20 2015

Awful Scott Walker Awfully Extreme On Women's Health

Jul 20, 2015

In his latest unabashed testament to his far-right extremism, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker today signed into law a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks — even in cases of rape and incest.

For years, Walker has been working hard to make abortion illegal in all instances — including in cases of rape and incest, and even where necessary to save the life of the motheraccording to PolitiFact

But Walker isn’t too worried about the lack of exceptions for pregnancies that arise from incest or rape; in fact, he’s fairly confident that women will just get over itAccording to The Daily Beast:

“In June, Walker, who is not a woman and who cannot get pregnant, said publicly, ‘I think for most people who are concerned about that, it’s in the initial months when they’re the most concerned about it.'”

Given Walker is a long-time supporter of taking women’s health decisions out of their hands, none of this comes as any surprise — it’s just the latest in Walker’s efforts to maneuver even further toward the brink of the right-wing periphery.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker signed legislation Monday banning abortions after 20 weeks from fertilization.

Walker, a committed, longtime opponent of abortion, repeatedly declined to say what he thought of the idea when he ran for re-election last year, but as his presidential run has taken off he has said he supports the measure and would sign it.

Walker said Monday that at this point in a pregnancy a fetus in the womb can feel pain, an assertion that the medical establishment says is unproven.

A federal court fight is expected over the measure, which passed the Senate last month.

In previous rulings, the U.S. Supreme Court has left lower federal courts with little or no leeway to uphold a law of this kind, constitutional law experts from across the political spectrum have told the Journal Sentinel.

The bill would make it a felony to perform abortions after 20 weeks, except when the life of the mother is in immediate danger. Doctors who do such a procedure would face up to 3 1/2 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.

Published: Jul 20, 2015

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