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Thursday, Aug 23 2018

Arizonans Bash McSally’s Maneuvering: “Why would you believe anything she says?”

Aug 23, 2018

“In the final week of the primary Martha McSally’s campaign is being defined by her shameless flip-flopping and hypocrisy — and Arizonans are calling her out,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman. “Wealthy special interests are pouring cash into Arizona to save McSally, but no amount of money will help her shake her self-inflicted label as a career political opportunist. Even if McSally scrapes by next Tuesday, her reputation as a disingenuous panderer will haunt her come November.”

This week, American Bridge released a new digital ad highlighting McSally’s self-serving, flip-flopping record. The ad is running on social media in Arizona, targeted to Republican primary voters.

Arizona Republic: Kelli Ward is right about one thing: Her message has never changed
By Elvia Diaz | August 23, 2018

  • “Rep. Martha McSally, the favorite of the Arizona and Washington Republican establishment, is either really afraid of [Kelli] Ward or is draining campaign accounts out of abundance of caution, as some experts suggest.”
  • “We know Ward. Not so with McSally.”
  • “I disagree with Ward on pretty much everything, but I appreciate her consistency. I’d rather know exactly what a candidate stands for and intends to do if elected over somebody like McSally who conveniently decided to support Trump and his policies only when she was recruited to run for Congress.”
  • “It’s about winning at any cost. It’s flip-flopping and distorting anything to win.That’s why McSally embodies exactly what’s wrong with the country’s election system where millions of dollars are spent on 30-second TV spots attacking the opponent.”
  • “Arizonans voting for Ward or even for the anti-immigrant former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio know exactly who they are getting. But what does a vote for McSally mean? We really don’t know, and for that reason, Arizonans should question her authenticity and dependability.
  • “Should McSally defeat Ward and Arpaio, expect her to tone down her support for Trump or at least try to move a bit to the center. Many have already mailed in their ballots, but if you’re among those voting in person Tuesdayask yourself the kind of senator Arizonans deserve.
  • “Sure, there is always a perfectly logical explanation for everything. But at this point, why would you believe anything [McSally] says?”
  • “Transparency and honesty matters. And that should matter to you, too.”

Read the full article here.

Published: Aug 23, 2018

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