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Tuesday, Jan 19 2016

Another Day, Another Two Common-Sense Gun Safety Bills Vetoed By Chris Christie

Jan 19, 2016

In the Party of Trump, controlled by a right-wing, red meat-craving base with xenophobic tendencies, the more extreme a candidate’s policies and rhetoric, the better he or she does in the polls.

That’s why gun-crazy NJ Governor Chris Christie, who just vetoed another TWO gun safety bills, is just one point out of third-place in New Hampshire. 

A big part of Christie’s right-wing appeal is his hard-line opposition to common-sense measures to curb gun violence. As governor, Christie has vetoed a number of gun-safety bills, including a .50 caliber rifle ban. Christie’s also elected to pardon multiple individuals charged with gun crimes — amounting to six pardons in 2015, alone.

Just today, Governor Christie’s vetoed two more common-sense gun safety measures:

That second bill, in particular, was objectively non-controversial: The New Jersey Legislature passed it without any oppositionaccording to Politico.

When it comes to gun safety, Chris Christie is a hardline obstructionist with a gun-crazy ideology that matches Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio’s inflammatory rhetoric.

Published: Jan 19, 2016

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