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Thursday, Jan 5 2017

American Bridge Statement On Trump's Latest Pam Bondi Kickback

Jan 05, 2017

Donald Trump today signaled that he’s gifting Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi a White House job as his latest payback for her dropping her investigation into his sham Trump University.

Trump’s previous Bondi kickback consisted of a $25,000 campaign donation that was disbursed from his charitable foundation and resulted in Bondi dropping her Trump University probe. Trump’s foundation is currently under investigation for that donation as well as for other pay to plays and instances of self-dealing.

American Bridge President Jessica Mackler issued the following statement on Trump’s latest Pam Bondi kickback:

“Trump’s hiring of Pam Bondi is just the latest example of Trump trading shady political favors and proceeding down a path toward open corruption.

“Trump’s flagrantly unethical behavior before he’s even taken the oath of office is a travesty and sure sign that Trump intends to do everything he can to profit off the presidency while enriching himself and his family at the expense of the American people.”

Published: Jan 5, 2017

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