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Tuesday, Aug 9 2016

American Bridge Statement On Trump's Incitement Of Violence Against Clinton

Aug 09, 2016

American Bridge President Jessica Mackler made the following statement on Donald Trump’s incitement of violence against Hillary Clinton:

“Threatening a political opponent has absolutely no place in American democracy, and Donald Trump’s incitement of violence against Hillary Clinton today was impossibly irresponsible. It’s as clear as ever that Donald Trump is erratic and unstable; wholly unfit to be commander in chief, if not an existential threat to our democracy and security.

“Today brings a day of reckoning for Speaker Paul Ryan, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Republicans up and down the ticket. They’ve stood by Trump through his misogyny, racism, anti-immigrant fearmongering, and attacks on prisoners of war and Gold Star Parents. But if they have any integrity left, they should once and for all revoke their support for Donald Trump — and do so immediately.”

Published: Aug 9, 2016

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