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Sunday, Jun 5 2016

American Bridge Statement on Donald Trump's Interview on Face the Nation

Jun 05, 2016

After Friday’s installment of ugly racism against Indiana-born Hispanic Judge Gonzalo Curiel, Donald Trump has announced a second category of people that he doesn’t think can be fair because of their ethnicity:  Muslims.

Watch Trump on Face the Nation this morning.

American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following statement on Donald Trump’s remarks:

“First, it was that a Hispanic judge couldn’t hear his case because he wants to build a wall.  Now Donald Trump doesn’t think a Muslim judge could be fair to him because he wants to ban Muslims from entering the country.  Donald Trump is running for President as an open racist, and Republicans like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell supporting him now own his reprehensible behavior.”

Published: Jun 5, 2016

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