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Thursday, Jun 29 2017

American Bridge Statement on CBO proving that Trumpcare would destroy Medicaid as we know it

Jun 29, 2017

American Bridge President Jessica Mackler issued the following statement after the Congressional Budget Office released a new report expanding on how Trumpcare would devastate the Americans who depend on Medicaid:

“The more we learn about Trumpcare, the clearer it becomes why Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans fought with all they had to keep this plan hidden from the American people.

“In the name of cutting taxes for the rich, the Senate Trumpcare plan rip health insurance out of the hands of 22 million Americans and endanger the Affordable Care Act’s coverage protections for Americans suffering from pre-existing conditions like Alzheimer’s.

“But that’s not all – Trumpcare would so deeply cut Medicaid funding and so radically restructure the program that it would be unrecognizable to the 74 million working Americans, children, and senior citizens who count on it as a critical lifeline. Donald Trump and Republicans have the most important choice of this administration to date in front of them: do they abandon Trumpcare and take the bipartisan approach to improving the Affordable Care Act the American people want, or do they admit that their policy agenda cruelly turns its back on the ‘forgotten men and women’ – and children.”

Published: Jun 29, 2017

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