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Thursday, Jun 30 2022

American Bridge Responds to SCOTUS Taking Up State Legislature Elections Case

Jun 30, 2022

Today the Supreme Court announced it will take up a case with potentially enormous impacts on the future of free American elections.

As the Washington Post has reported, the North Carolina case in question could change how federal elections operate in individual states — allowing for state legislatures to decide the rules for their states’ federal elections, even if those rules violate their state’s constitution.

State legislatures, especially in swing states, are filled with Republicans committed to spreading the Big Lie and rigging elections in their favor. Per the New York Times, “​​at least 357 sitting Republican legislators in closely contested battleground states have used the power of their office to discredit or try to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.” These are the people the Supreme Court could grant access to decision-making around electoral rules, posing a major threat to the future of free and fair elections.

“If the Republican majority on the Supreme Court is going to potentially let state legislators decide how federal elections are run, we need to do everything in our power to stop Republicans from winning in November and beyond,” said Jessica Floyd, president of American Bridge 21st Century. “Our Bridge to Democracy program was created to be laser-focused on investigating Republican state-level candidates and amplifying their anti-democracy records. If these anti-American, Trump-obsessed legislators are allowed partisan control of our elections, we are in enormous trouble as a country.”

American Bridge 21st Century’s Bridge to Democracy program is a multi-million dollar effort to keep elections free, fair, and out of the hands of Republican democracy-deniers. The project targets GOP candidates running in 2022 and 2023 who rejected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election and are now running for offices across the country that have the power to oversee and overturn elections. 

The Bridge To Democracy project centers around a comprehensive opposition research program that investigates local and state-level Republicans and uses that information to win key elections.

Published: Jun 30, 2022

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