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Monday, Mar 23 2015

American Bridge Reaction to Ted Cruz Presidential Campaign

Mar 23, 2015

It’s official:  Tea Party Republican Ted Cruz is running for president, setting the stage for a long and bloody primary that reveals the extreme nature of Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and the rest of the field as they struggle to keep up with Cruz’s radical streak.

“Ted Cruz shut down the government in a tantrum, opposes marriage equality, denies climate change, and opposes a woman’s right to choose even in cases of rape or incest. He’s everything voters hate about the modern Republican Party in one candidate, and the entire field is already signing on to his positions,” said Brad Woodhouse, President of American Bridge 21st Century.

American Bridge has been scouting Cruz for years.  Our full scouting report on Cruz is available here, including biographical info and what to watch for in his campaign.

Cruz on Key Issues

  • Opposes abortion in cases of rape or incest: YES

  • Denies human-caused climate change: YES

  • Opposes universal background checks on gun purchases: YES

  • Opposes marriage equality: YES

  • Opposes raising the minimum wage: YES

  • Opposes Medicaid expansion: YES

  • Opposes the Affordable Care Act: YES

Tracking Footage

Published: Mar 23, 2015

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